Discover The Amish People’s Amazing Culture!

Published on 01/13/2022


Various sorts of farming have been at the heart of traditional Amish living in every sector of their working lives for hundreds of years. However, it has been stated that, during the previous hundred years, an increasing number of Amish have become interested in commercial ventures and businesses. This type of commercial venture has primarily been in carpentry and other craftsman-like companies, as well as in the sale of agricultural products. Aside from that, they have been known to establish construction crews to construct houses for people who are not Amish. They have even been reported to have worked in industries in recent years.




Taxes Continued

As previously stated, the Amish are subject to the same taxation as any other citizen of the United States. They pay all ordinary taxes, including income, property, sales, estate, corporate, and school taxes, as well as any additional taxes that may be imposed. The only tax that the Amish do not pay or collect is Social Security, which was exempted from the collection by Congress in 1965 because the Amish viewed it as a form of commercial insurance in their view.

Taxes Continued

Taxes Continued