This is a celebration that you will want to be a part of if you can. The Amish are an extremely nice group of people. Hosting and participating in shared meals is incredibly important in their culture, and they value this experience much. Everyone contributes something to the massive table, which is like one giant potluck gathering. It happens rather frequently, and it provides an excellent opportunity to catch up with friends.
No Church Buildings
Isn’t viewing all of the art and places of worship that religious groups all across the world have created one of the most delightful elements of traveling to their own countries? In Amish country, for example, there are no churches for visitors to see. They aren’t very fond of grandiose churches and cathedrals, for whatever reason. They feel that because they can study the bible anywhere, they don’t require the services of a church or anything else elaborate to do it.
![No Church Buildings](https://d3kirorlrkdy9u.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/16092642/No-Church-Buildings.jpg)
No Church Buildings