A Bit Too Realistic
Since The Sopranos was so realistic, actual mobsters in New Jersey started to suspect a rat. They thought someone was leaking real information to the HBO producers and creator David Chase. When FBI agents listened to wiretaps, they started to hear the gangsters discussing The Sopranos and how accurate it was, instead of talking about their crimes or plans. Writer Terence Winter even said to Vanity Fair, “We would hear back that real wiseguys used to think that we had somebody on the inside. They couldn’t believe how accurate the show was.”

A Bit Too Realistic
Movie Pitch
Initially, creator David Chase intended for his masterpiece to be a movie. He wrote scripts for a feature length film about a gangster visiting a psychiatrist. Actually, Chase’s manager realized these well-developed characters deserved a longer timeline that a show would provide better. We’re thankful to Chase’s manager too, that we got to enjoy Tony and his friends and family for more than just a few hours.

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