Serbian Gendarmerie
Established in 2001, the Serbian Gendarmerie are an extension of the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs. What makes this team so interesting is that they serve as a military unit as well as a civilian unit, and we’re not just talking about in peaceful little sustainable cities. The Serbian Gendarmerie are as much first responders as they are rescue teams and counter-terrorist fighters. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of a fight with these guys. There are two different units of the Serbian Gendarmerie: the Special Police Unit and the Special Operations Unit.

Serbian Gendarmerie
Iraqi Special Operations Forces
Known also by their other name, the Golden Division, the Iraqi Special Operations Forces were created in 2004. The team is controlled by the Iraqi Counter Terrorist Service and they are comprised of nearly 18,000 soldiers strong. This special forces unit has to go into some of the most dangerous streets in the world as they have to deal with the nightmare that is Mosul as well as the dangers of the Islamic State.

Iraqi Special Operations Forces