The Most Ferocious Special Forces Around the World

Published on 09/24/2017

German KSK

You could fuel several sustainable cities with the sheer willpower that is needed in order to join the German KSK. The German KSK are one of the most elite special forces units in the world. In order to even make it into the unit you have to pass, and graduate, from 17 schools all around the world in order to maximize your training. We’re not saying you get great health insurance coverage working here, we’re just saying that you might need it.

German KSK

German KSK

Danish Hunter Corps

These scary looking fellows belong to the Danish Hunter Corps. The Hunter Corps are an extension of the Royal Danish Army and they were first established in 1961 but they never were deployed until 1995 when the team was sent to Bosnia. There are only 150 members in this elite fighting unit and if you ever see one up close you would probably want to grab a lotto ticket the same day.

Danish Hunter Corps

Danish Hunter Corps