Naval Special Warfare Command
This special unit of the Royal Thai Navy came to be known as Navy Seals, which was influenced by the US unit but rather than an acronym, refers to the animal. Anyway, the Thai Seals was established back in 1956 with help from the US Navy SEALs. Within the Thai Navy’s Seal unit, there’s a small element who is specially trained for maritime counter-terrorism missions. Many believe the Underwater Demolition Assault Unit gathers intelligence when there is heightened tensions on the Thailand border. Recently, the Royal Thai Seals were sent to Somalia to engage in anti-piracy operations.

Naval Special Warfare Command
Brazil’s Comandos Anfíbios or COMANF is part of their Marine Corps Special Operations Battalion and headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The defining phrase for the COMANF soldiers is the following, “Um Comanf é imbatível, dois são inseparáveis e três fazem guerra.” When you translate from Portuguese to English it means, “One Comanf is unbeatable, two are unseparable and three wage war.” These Brazilian soldiers are trained for rappelling, mountaineering, advanced reconnaissance, counterintelligence and intelligence, among other special training.