1st Scout Rangers
This Philippine Army Special Operations Command unit is also known as just the Scout Rangers. What do they specialize in? Well, just urban warfare, sabotage, ambushes, anti-guerrilla jungle warfare, close quarters combat and raids. Many became away of their special skills when they captured the Moro Islamic Liberation Front or MILF rebel camp in 2000. Their training school and also headquarters can be found in Tanay, Rizal.

1st Scout Ranger Regiment
Särskilda Operationsgruppen
The Swedish Special Operations Task Group, SOG, was founded in 2011. Their purpose is to accomplish missions that cannot be done with conventional forces or even standard weapons systems. Such operations include, hostage situations, eliminating high-targets valuable to any enemy and gathering time-critical intelligence. For peace-keeping operations, they may be responsible for training and advising foreign militaries. The train at a secret compound with a multi-story building that has bullet-absorbing lining in its walls. Amazing!

Särskilda Operationsgruppen