Famous Last Words: Celebs and the Words They Left Us With

Published on 10/26/2017

Groucho Marx

It is one thing to look death in the face and not flinch, it is another thing entirely to laugh at the prospect altogether. Before Groucho Marx died he muttered, “This is no way to live.” The legendary entertainer died of pneumonia at the age of 86, back in 1977.

Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx


Johnny Ace

Ace was a R&B singer in the 50s who died from an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound at just the age of 25. While performing at the City Auditorium in Houston, Texas back on Christmas Day in 1954, during a break in-between sets, Ace was playing around with .22-caliber revolver and this was something that he did quite often. His bass player witness the whole thing, Ace had been playing around with the gun and someone said, “Be careful with that thing.” Ace promptly responded, “It’s okay! Gun’s not loaded… see?” Then bang…such a sad event.

Johnny Ace

Johnny Ace