Realtors Expected The Worst After Getting A Call About A 70-Year-Old Home… Boy, Were They Wrong

Published on 08/07/2019

The Master Plan

Even though John felt excited by what he might find in the year, he wanted to ensure his safety when the time came to do so. He had no idea what was waiting for him down there. He and his friends drew up a plan about how to go about it. They made a blueprint and devised a method on how to do this, which was the best course of action considering they had no idea what was down there.

The Master Plan

The Master Plan



The first step they decided on was to first fix and reinforce the concrete structure that surrounded the stairs. It was not safe because it has rusted over the years. Even though they felt the temptation to just go down right away, it was important for them to be smart about this. They knew what they were doing!

