Know How To Escape Zip-Ties Easily In Just A Few Steps!

Published on 09/15/2020

Fire For Cooking Food

This is a fundamental survival ability that everyone must remember. Our forefathers had no access to lightning or matches, so they needed to learn how to start a fire. Fire is and has been an important component in the food preparation and warming of residences. If you’re a boy scout, girl scout, or learned a survivor’s skills, you probably don’t even know the uncivilized ways to do it fire and maintain it warm through the night.

Fire For Cooking Food

Fire For Cooking Food


Tan A Hide

It is not so challenging to soothe a hide, but that is an ability that most individuals in the 21st century may not know how to do.  For those that have performed, this ability can grab the fat from a hide without ripping it away. Our ancestors used these hides as clothing, shelter, and as blankets and floor coverings. These days, many people discourage animal byproducts due to ethics, but hiding tans was necessary for survival during the border days and before.

Tan A Hide

Tan A Hide