Lex Luger – $3 Million
One of the best wrestlers ever, Lex Luger became the WCW World Heavyweight Champion and won the United States Championship five times. He also tried competing in the WWF though he did not win anything. He was paralyzed in 2007 because of a nerve impingement, but thankfully, he was able to recover, and became healthy again by 2010. WWE employs him and he is involved in their wellness policy.

Lex Luger – $3 Million
Skinner – $1.5 Million
One of the more senior professional wrestlers, Steve Keirn or Skinner, a member of The Fabulous team, has appeared quite a few times at the World Wrestling Federation. Though he eventually retired from wrestling, it was just in the competing aspect since he opened his own wrestling school back in the ‘80s. He continues to offer training to people who want to give this particular sport a try. Now 66 years old, he remains in pretty good shape thanks to his very own gym. He lives in Florida with his wife.

Skinner – $1.5 Million