30+ Unbelievable Things You Could Do With WD-40

Published on 10/16/2019

Removing Carpet Stains

One of the saddest moments a person can experience is that one when you accept a stain on your carpet as a constant. No-one should ever have to do that. So, instead of doing that to yourself, reach for a can of WD-40 and spray that rug or carpet clean. That’s what you both deserve.

Removing Carpet Stains

Removing Carpet Stains


Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains

What is it about tomatoes that they explode when you take a bite out of them? It’s like they intentionally aim for your shirt… or at least it feels that way. The stains that they leave behind can last a lifetime, but not if you use WD-40 to battle them from the get-go.

Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains

Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains