40+ Reenactments Of Famous People Will Make You Rethink Their Importance

Published on 06/15/2022

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a topic that is frequently discussed among academics and historians. Many of them, however, agree that Martin Droeshout’s etching accurately depicts the playwright’s features. He had facial hair despite the fact that he was balding. Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel discovered his death mask in London in 1975 and named it after him. They used to build death masks out of plaster or wax, which they placed to the deceased’s face by pouring the substance on it.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare


What William Shakespeare Really Looked Like

Dr. Caroline Wilkinson was able to accurately reproduce his facial features in 2010 using this death mask. She used 3D visuals to create this portrayal of Shakespeare. Despite the fact that you can’t see his complete head in this photograph, many people believe it’s the same as the prior interpretations. He died on April 23, 1616, at the age of 52 years.

What William Shakespeare Really Looked Like

What William Shakespeare Really Looked Like