40+ Reenactments Of Famous People Will Make You Rethink Their Importance

Published on 06/15/2022

Ramses II

Ramses II, often known as Ramesses the Great, was Egypt’s third king and the third pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty. He was born in 1303 BC and reigned from 1279 to 1213 BC. Depending on who you ask, he had 48 to 50 sons and 40 to 53 girls. He died at the age of 90, leaving a wife and three children behind. He is often recognized as the New Kingdom’s most powerful pharaoh.

Ramses II

Ramses II


What Ramses II Really Looked Like

He was buried in the Valley of the Kings when he died, as was usual at the period. After some time had passed, his ashes were moved to a royal stash. Because priests were concerned about robbery, they moved the body to Queen Ahmose Inhapy’s tomb after it had been rewrapped. They completed the journey to Pinedjem II’s grave in less than 72 hours. Hieroglyphics were discovered on his coffin, proving that he was buried in Egypt. They discovered the remains of his body in 1881.

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What Ramses II Really Looked Like