You’ve Probably Never Thought Of Vinegar As A Home Essential

Published on 04/01/2022

Return Your Leather Furniture’s Shine

How long has it taken for the gloss on your leather sofa or easy chair to fade? In a reused spray bottle, combine equal parts white vinegar and boiled linseed oil; shake thoroughly before spraying on the surface to restore it to its previous radiance. Apply it evenly to your furniture with a soft cloth, allow it to soak in for a few minutes, and then gently rub it off with a clean cloth to remove it.

Return Your Leather Furniture's Shine

Return Your Leather Furniture’s Shine


Remove Smoke Odor With Vinegar

While we’ve showed you numerous different techniques to remove odors with Vinegar, this one is especially useful if you’ve recently cooked up a steak or if your chain-smoking aunt pays you an unexpected visit. It is possible to get rid of the lingering smokey odor by pouring a shallow bowl three-quarters full with white or cider vinegar and placing it in the room where the odor is the most intense. If the odor permeates the entire house, use a large number of bowls to contain it. The odor should be gone in less than a day if everything is done correctly. Using a moist towel dampened with vinegar and moving it around a little, you can immediately eliminate the smell of fresh cigarette smoke from any room in your house.

Remove Smoke Odor With Vinegar

Remove Smoke Odor With Vinegar