Not A Good Place To Live
One day, after delivering pizza to Lee, Sarah told her mom about the state of the inside of his home. She had discovered the trailer had no electricity, heat, or plumbing. Lee was trying to deal with the situation the best way he could by ordering pizza as he couldn’t make food, but Sarah knew that the 76-year-old would be in danger when the temperatures dropped and a storm hit. Sarah told her mom what she learned. Angela said to USA Today, “I thought, ‘We got to do something. We can’t let a human being live like this.’”

Not A Good Place To Live
Learning More About Him
Since they found out about the harsh living conditions that Lee had, Angela and Sarah had him on their minds. Her days with the Minnesota Visiting Nurses may be over, but Angela still had the heart for helping people in need. “[The pizzas are] what [Lee] would live on, on the weekends because he was elderly and couldn’t get Meals on Wheels,” Angela told The Atlantic. However, she realized that aside from finding ways to have food, Lee had other problems like warmth and shelter. These were big problems which needed to be solved quickly.

Learning More About Him