Taking To The Internet
Klynn started searching for her hero by posting about her experience online, staying optimistic despite not knowing who might see her post. When she saw Jennifer Jones’ comment, Klynn knew her optimism paid off. Jones was a Kansas City Police Sergeant who saw Klynn’s story, and she told Klynn that she thought she knew was being described. Was Klynn going to find out her childhood hero’s true identity and was her search this easy?

Taking To The Internet
The Name Of Her “Guardian Angel”
In 2016, officer Jeff Colvin read Jennifer Jones’ email about Klynn and her story online. Jones explained that there was a young girl who used to live near the station Colvin worked at. The young girl was now grown up and trying to find her “guardian angel.” Colvin immediately recognized the story, and he knew who Klynn was. He knew the little girl whom he saved has grown up and he felt joy and happiness flushing away years of wondering and worry.

The Name Of Her “Guardian Angel”