Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson served in office for just one term, between 1829 until 1837. Nowadays you might recognize him for being the face of the 20 dollar bill! Interestingly though, he was actually staunchly against paper money and an advocate for gold and silver coins. When he was just 13 years old, he was held captive by the British during the Revolutionary War. This means he was the only President who was a prisoner of war. He was also remembered for preventing South Carolina from seceding from the Union and impressively, he was the only leader to pay off all of the national debt.

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson’s Inauguration Party
President Andrew Jackson was not like other presidents in American history; he was considered the president of the ordinary folk. After giving over his inauguration speech, he went off to the executive mansion where a small party was supposed to be held. But when masses of people of all ages followed the presidential party to the mansion, there was nothing they could do. The mansion was overrun by the uninvited guests, and they ransacked the kitchen and drank themselves sick. The carpets and floors were dirtied and furniture was damaged. Only after the alcohol was removed from the building, did the crowd disperse.

Andrew Jacksons Inauguration Party