Ulysses S. Grant
Having served as a commanding general of the Union Army during the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th president of the United States and was very popular during his term in 1869 until 1877. Just a few years after graduating from West Point, Grant rose to prominence when he fought in the Mexican-American War. At the time he was sworn in as president at the age of 47, he was the youngest president. Grant scored high due to having moral authority, excelling at international relations, high public persuasion, and for pursuing justice for Americans, equally. The public remembers him as an honest man who strongly opposed the KKK who also was the first to appoint Jewish Americans and African Americans to office.

Ulysses S. Grant
John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams was the 6th President of the US, and served in office between 1825 to 1829. Also known as JQA, John was the son John Adams, one of the founding fathers and former presidents. John was a staunch anti-slavery and pro-equal rights activist. He even dubbed himself “the acutest, the astutest, the archest enemy of southern slavery that ever existed.” JQA preferred to stay out of European politics, and was a strong advocate of nonintervention policies. He was also strongly against the annexation of Texas, and holds the record for the oldest surviving presidential photo, which dated back to 1843, when he was 76 years old.

John Quincy Adams