These Deserted Submarines And Bases Will Give You Goosebumps Like Nothing Else

Published on 06/13/2019

U-475 Black Widow Or Foxtrot B-39

This massive attack submarined used to be a Soviet Navy vessel back in the Cold War. It was used to train Cuban, Indian, and Libyan submariners. Commissioned in 1967, the vessel was categorized under the Soviet Project 641 class subs, although it was known as Foxtrot to the Western forces. When it got decommissioned in 1994, it went to private individuals and then to a public museum ship in England. Four years after that, it was put on display in Folkestone. It now lies waiting for restoration along the River Medway in Strood, England.

U-475 Black Widow Or Foxtrot B-39

U-475 Black Widow Or Foxtrot B-39


Foxtrot Or Zulu V Class B-80

Who would have thought that a navy attack submarine could be repurposed into a party ship or vessel? At any rate, that was the fate of the Soviet Zulu V class B-80 sub, which was a vessel under the Soviet Project 611. This meant that it was part of a series of post-war attack vessels. The submarine was renamed Foxtrot and moved to the Maritime Quarter in Amsterdam North. It is currently in the middle of the harbor since submarine enthusiasts want to take it to the Netherlands. It was initially used as a Museum ship in Den Helder, although it ended up being used as a party venue. The submarine interior was stripped of instruments so that partygoers can do whatever they want inside the craft!

Foxtrot Or Zulu V-Class B-80

Foxtrot Or Zulu V-Class B-80