This huge indoor space is a place the US military actually considered setting up camp in the late 2000s. Previously, it had been a Soviet base, located in Brdy in the Czech Republic. It isn’t clear why the Americans never went through with it, but if they had, they would have used this military base as a place to set up an anti-missile radar system. As you can see, it’s still abandoned to this day.

Greenham Common
Nowadays, this station is out of use. However, in the late 1980s, Greenham Common Royal Air Force station in Berkshire, England, was very different when 35,000 people gathered to protest the use of nuclear weapons. Whoever knows the history of this place must feel some disparity between this picture compared to how it once looked. In 1990, the station was closed, so now all that can be heard in this abandoned spot is silence.

Greenham Common