Submarines of Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky
Along the shores of Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky in Russia, you will find a couple of rusted submarines half-submerged. Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky is a town located in the Sakhalin Oblast next to the Tatar Strait beside the Western Sakhalin Mountains. When it was occupied by the Japanese forces from 1918 to 1925, it was called Akō. This area was used as a military post in 1881 as well, which is why there are corroded submarines lying abandoned in the water. No one is positive why they are there, although the vessels certainly add more character to the region.

Submarines of Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky
Maunsell Sea Forts
The Maunsell Sea Forts are towers created during the Second World War in the Thames and Mersey. Built to defend the United Kingdom, the towers worked as army and navy fronts to survive the impact from the Nazi air raids and submarines. The base was decommissioned in the late ‘50s, although it was later used for the pirate radio broadcast in the ‘60s.

Maunsell Sea Forts