Chelsea Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky
The Clintons and the Mezvinskys are both affluent families, so it is no wonder why this wedding ended up being one of the most expensive unions of all time.

Chelsea Clinton And Marc Mezvinsky
This is already a cause for celebration, but did you know that there was something else that made their union so special? They went with an unorthodox interfaith wedding!
Audrey Hepburn And Mel Ferrer
Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer would make each other’s acquaintance.

Audrey Hepburn And Mel Ferrer
Everyone cheered when the two finally got together and eventually tied the knot in 1954. Unfortunately, the two would file for divorce after an unhappy marriage that was full of jealousy and infidelities.