15+ Craziest Fanbases In The World Of Sports

Published on 04/29/2018

Celtic FC Fans

No question – Celtic fans are maniacs, let me explain. Celtic FC is a Scottish Premiership soccer club with a huge fan following. The fans chant and sing so loud that often times you can’t even hear the commentators.

Celtic FC Fans

Celtic FC Fans

They’re always jumping up and down even if their team hasn’t done anything. They are intense and passionate, no matter the result, these fans will yell and cry their team to glory.

Boca Bosteros Fans

These fans know how to start a fire, and we’re not just talking about the atmosphere, we also mean literally.

Boca Bosteros Fans

Boca Bosteros Fans

Quite often blue and yellow smoke comes wafting out in waves as they cheer their team to victory. Sounds a bit like this crew has a severe brain injury because setting a fire in your own stadium just seems so far over the line.