The Most Ferocious Special Forces Around the World

Published on 04/25/2018

Special Actions Detachment

Since their name in Portuguese is Destacamento de Ações Especiais, this elite unit is known as DAE.

Special Actions Detachment

Special Actions Detachment

Part of the Portuguese Navy, they handle maritime counter-terrorism, beach reconnaissance and other related missions. Selection for the DAE is extremely selective and restrictive. A mere 5 to 10 percent of the applicant pool actually joins the force.

Sri Lanka Army Special Forces Regiment

One of the two Sri Lanka Army special operation units, the SF began as a combat tracker team at its inception in 1986. From there, it expanded into what’s now known as the most secretive unit within the country’s army. No information has officially been released about the selection and induction into the Special Forces Brigade.

Sri Lanka Army Special Forces Regiment

Sri Lanka Army Special Forces Regiment

However, we do know about their Eagle insignia. Of course, it represents courage and warlike qualities and represents this elite unit’s ability to scoop towards its own prey. Frightening!