The Most Ferocious Special Forces Around the World

Published on 04/25/2018

The Ghost Army of World War 2

No longer in service, but one of the smartest military units ever created. Yes, it was a special brigade and it not only instilled fear in the enemy, it caused confusion.

Dummy Tank

Dummy Tank

The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, known as the Ghost Army, created an entire military garrison that was no army at all. Rather it consisted of inflatable tanks, fake uniforms and loudspeakers blaring the sounds of tanks rolling into positions. It threw the Germans into attacking the wrong location, ultimately granting the allies a victory over their enemies.

Korps Mariniers

Meet the Netherlands Maritime Special Operations Forces or NLMARSOF, which are their Marine Corps elite unites.

Korps Mariniers

Korps Mariniers

From mountain warfare to submarine, snowmobiles and parachute, this special unit trains for every situation and environment. They’re able to be deployed to any location on the planet within just 48 hours! Oh and their motto…Qua Patet Orbis. That means, “As Far As The World Extends.” Makes sense.