Everyone Was Shocked To Find Out Why This Socialite Exclusively Paid In Cash

Published on 05/19/2019

A Vacationing Royal

“She gave to everyone,” Neff recalled. “Uber drivers, $100 cash. Meals — listen. You know how you reach for your credit card? She wouldn’t let me.” Aside from her very big tips, Anna Delvey also got herself a personal trainer/life coach for an eye-popping $4,500. It might seem like too high a price, but she did not care. Considering how she handled money, everyone came to the conclusion she was rich.

A Vacationing Royal

A Vacationing Royal


European Heiress

Her unusual accent also helped many people assume that she was a European heiress. People conjured an image of her as some sort of princess who came from a castle in Europe. It was not hard to imagine.

European Heiress