The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds In The World

Published on 06/23/2019


The Pekingese, a toy dog created for royalty, is difficult to train due to its independence, determination, and stubbornness. It may not be able to learn commands, but intellect is not something it lacks. This breed appreciates being pampered, has a high feeling of self-importance, and isn’t interested in serving as your clown.




Chinese Crested

Don’t give these tiny buzzards, who lack hair, any opportunity to make repeated mistakes because they are difficult to housetrain. They enjoy routine, so if you regularly let them use the bathroom inside the house, it will be more difficult for you to eventually train them to ‘go to the bathroom’ outside. They are playful, adore attention, and get along well with large families aside from that.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested