Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron is a South-African born Hollywood star, who is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the industry. However, this award-winning beauty is still single. She has remained unattached since her breakup with Sean Penn, a fellow actor, in 2015. She is now raising her children alone and was said to have tried using dating apps. But this doesn’t mean that she isn’t happy and contented with her life, free from any romantic attachments.

Charlize Theron
Lauren Graham
Lauren Graham is a certified leading lady material even at the age of 51! This famous star from the show Gilmore Girls has had her fair share of romantic relationships but still hasn’t got the change to say ‘I do.’ She has been dating Peter Kraus, her co-star in Parenthood, since 2010. But even their 8 years together could not make this independent woman walk down the aisle.

Lauren Graham