Wrestlers Who Fought Each Other For Real

Published on 06/24/2019

Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas Vs. Rosemary

In modern wrestling, wrestlers don’t often shoot on each other. They’re mostly too busy tweeting about their matches and their love for fellow grapplers instead of confronting them in real life or in the ring. Well, in 2017, women’s wrestler Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas was accused of shooting on her opponent, former TNA Knockouts Champion, Rosemary. The incident happened at TripleMania in Mexico. Just a month earlier, Garcia returned to Mexico’s AAA and won the Reina de Reinas Championship. In a four-way match at TripleMania, Garcia had Rosemary in an arm bar at the end of the match to win. However, the arm bar dislocated Rosemary’s elbow. This incident happened just after strange locker room drama in AAA involving the two. A number of wrestlers spoke out against Rivas’ actions in the ring following this incident. Later on, Rivas released a long statement saying she had no idea Rosemary had been injured during the match.

Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas Vs Rosemary

Dulce Maria Garcia Rivas Vs Rosemary


Stan Hansen Vs. Vader

In 1990, Japan’s wrestling world had already seen its most hostile years. In the 1980s wrestling boom in Japan, American and Japanes wrestlers would jump between companies to get paid the most. Because of all the buildup, Hansen and Vader had to put on a big match when they would battle. They couldn’t let their promotion down. Hansen was the first to enter the ring, and he did so with his bull rope, tossing it around. At the end of it was a large, heavy cowbell. As Vader approached the ring, Hansen whipped the rope at him and broke his nose. The two began hammering each other in the ring. Hansen backed Vader into a corner and began beating him with heavy fists. One of his punches knocked Vader’s eye out of his socket. While this wasn’t done on purpose, the damage was done. Vader’s eye swelled shut, and because of this, his eyeball was held in, allowing it to be put back in later.

Stan Hansen Vs Vader

Stan Hansen Vs Vader