Wrestlers Who Fought Each Other For Real

Published on 06/24/2019

Shawn Michaels Vs. Marty Jannetty

Even though they were one of the most popular teams in their generations, The Rockers would often get into minor fights for years on end. One time, it got out of hand. Jannetty and Michaels got into a fistfight which led to the police being called. They arrived when Jannetty was on top. And when they saw Shawn bruised and beaten with Jannetty looking worlds better, they assumed he instigated the fight. They were just about to cuff Marty when Macho Man Randy Savage walked in and asked what was going on. The police recognized him and got excited. Jannetty quickly told Savage about the fight, and Savage immediately went to the wrestlers’ defense. He smoothed things over with the cops by claiming the fight had been a setup for a storyline. After signing some pictures for the officers, they let Jannetty go.

Shawn Michaels Vs. Marty Jannetty

Shawn Michaels Vs. Marty Jannetty


AJ Styles Vs. The Zebra Kid

During a UK promotion match, Zebra Kid decided to piledrive Roderick Strong on the outside of the ring, apparently without calling it. While this didn’t sit right with Strong, he complained about it to AJ Styles instead of confronting the Zebra Kid. Once he heard about this, AJ asked to speak with Zebra, and as soon as he walked into the room, he went off on him, asking what he thought he was doing during the match. Zebra remained calm, explaining that he did what he did purposely. AJ was sure Zebra was messing with him and turned to the rest of the room for support. When no one came to his aid, he began to think that he may have made a mistake. Especially since Zebra was becoming more and more angry. Quickly, AJ attempted to difuse the situation and play it off as a joke. When he playfully punched Zebra on the arm, Zebra responded by shoving AJ away in a decidedly not playful manner, before walking away.

AJ Styles Vs. The Zebra Kid

AJ Styles Vs. The Zebra Kid