A Leading Lady
During the release of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Katharine Ross was getting quite a lot of attention. Considering the fact that Sam Elliott was a regular extra at the time, it was understandable that he didn’t get the nerve to talk to her. In 2015, he said, “I didn’t dare try to talk to her then. She was the leading lady. I was a shadow on the wall, a glorified extra in a bar scene.”

A Leading Lady
A Ladies’ Man
Sure, The Legacy was not exactly Oscar-worthy, but women began to notice that he was a good-looking fellow. Interestingly, Katharine Ross was among them! Maybe it was the bare bottom scene that attracted everyone’s attention? A nudity scenes guide called the “Bare Facts” even gave him 3 stars out of 3! Impressive.

A Ladies’ Man