Wendell Berry And Sam Elliott
Elliott has admitted how big a fan he was of Wendell Berry, even going so far as to say that he would love to grab dinner with the man. Wendell’s reply? “Well, my God, I’ll build a truck, and then I’ll drive the truck to ferry him to dinner at the table of his choosing. I would walk a very long mile to share a sleeve of Saltines with Sam, let alone a plate of steak.”

Wendell Berry And Sam Elliott
Why Movies
This is a question that every film star has had to answer. “Going to too many movies when I was growing up, basically. I just got fascinated by it early on. And it wasn’t like I wanted to be a legitimate actor, a real actor. I wanted to make movies. Consequently, I didn’t study, really. I did some. I did a lot of stuff all the way through school. But I just got bit by wanting to do films, and I had tunnel vision about it.”

Why Movies