Billy Rose’s “Aquabelles”, 1939
Theatrical showman Billy Rose was a prominent figure in New York’s entertainment scene for decades, particularly during the World War II era. In 1939, he staged one of his most iconic productions—a fashion parade featuring his renowned “Aquabelles.” In this dazzling show, the Aquabelles showcased bathing suits that spanned past and present trends, while also modeling bold predictions for future styles. It’s fascinating to see how their vision of the future compares to today’s fashion—they weren’t too far off, were they?

Billy Rose’s “Aquabelles”, 1939
Mount Rushmore, 1935
Mount Rushmore’s colossal faces are among the most iconic landmarks in American history, instantly recognizable whether seen in person or in photos. Yet, few have had the rare privilege of witnessing the legendary sculpture up close like its creators, Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln. Riding the Mount Rushmore tramway, the father-son duo had an unparalleled view of the granite masterpiece as it gradually took shape. For them, it was a front-row seat to history in the making—for us, it’s an unforgettable photograph of their remarkable work.

Mount Rushmore, 1935