Snowball Fight, 1893
Covered in welts and swelling, you might assume these three boys had endured a serious beating. And you’d be right—though not in the way you’d expect. These freshmen were casualties of an intense snowball fight at Princeton University in the 1890s. The sophomores, determined to assert their dominance, turned the normally playful winter pastime into a fierce battle. Let’s just say it wasn’t the kind of snowball fight most people look forward to.

Snowball Fight, 1893
The Mattress
Back in the day, people often found themselves in all sorts of peculiar situations. Take this intriguing photo, for instance—a group of women holding up a mattress marked by an unidentified stain. Was it the result of a new mother’s recent delivery or simply an unfortunate mishap? The details remain a mystery, but the image, captured forever in black and white, sparks endless curiosity. We can only imagine the story behind this unusual and unforgettable moment.

The Mattress