A Nun Was Possessed By An Evil Spirit And Wrote A Message With Unfamiliar Words

Published on 07/09/2020

The Massabielle

In February 1858 Bernadette was out gathering kindling with her kin Toinette and a mate called Jeanne. It’s said that the young ladies were investigating a little cavern – known as Massabielle, signifying “old stone” – at the base of a slope in Lourdes. Dairy cattle were known to take shelter inside the cavern, and before it ran a stream.

The Massabielle

The Massabielle


Fear Of Getting Cold

The story goes that Toinette and Jeanne crossed the stream away from the cave and proceeded on their way. Bernadette, be that as it may, was clearly hesitant to do likewise because of a paranoid fear of getting cold, so she scanned for a dryer course. Also, at long last, the teenaged young lady apparently concluded that she’d have to remove her shoes and stockings so as to cross the water.

Fear Of Getting Cold

Fear Of Getting Cold