Boeing 747
He splits his time evenly between the Boeing 727 airplane home in Oregon and Japan. He hopes to purchase a land in the Land of the Rising Sun so he can get started on his second airplane home. He wants to get the larger Boeing 747-400 for this project. He adores the thrill that he receives when he recycles airplanes and hopes that people will seriously consider it after they get the chance to see his home during tours and events. He has posted on his website that it is his goal to “spark a renaissance of thought about how to utilize this remarkable resource”. Campbell wants to see other people embark on their own aircraft home projects in the future.

Boeing 747
Helping The Community
This talented engineer was hoping to get started on the second airplane home during the beginning of 2018. He wanted to set it up on the Kyushu Island coast because he wanted it to serve as a safe place for the local community as well. Part of Bruce Campbell’s vision is to make an airliner that doubled as a lifeboat in case tsunami threats are issued. He wants the general public to find out that planes are capable of surviving hundreds of years and the cruelest weather conditions thanks to its sealed pressure technology. We really hope that he manages to succeed in his endeavors.

Helping The Community