This Man Ordered Pizza Everyday For Ten Years, When Employees Suddenly Realized That Something’s Not Right

Published on 09/08/2020

A Knock

When he confirmed that Alexander had surely come home because the lights were turned on, he knocked at the door to make sure Alexander did just right, and that he wasn’t ordering for long. Lights were all on and it’s obvious somebody’s home. The TV was even enabled. If it’s not Alexander, there must be someone inside. He was sure, however, that Alexander would go to the front door and open it.

A Knock


Ignoring Him

As certain as he was that Alexander was home, he knocked when, in his first knock, he received no answer. He continued knocking at the door as if he was sure someone would open it but make good use of it. Nobody opened the door and nobody even answered or yelled. He didn’t even hear voices from within asking who he was. Then he picked up his mobile phone and called the number of Alexander. He didn’t receive a response yet. He’s nervous this time.

Ignoring Him

Ignoring Him