The Osmond Family: Everything You Wanted To Know

Published on 04/25/2018

Health Conscious

Donny is not the only one concerned about his health. Marie shed an impressive 47 pounds while performing in Vegas and also on TV’s Dancing with the Stars. She maintains such a positive attitude about it, “I had to be healthy. Heart disease runs in my family.”

Health Conscious

Health Conscious

She also received a nudge to act when her son said, “Mom, you’re all we have.” Apparently, both her mother and grandmother passed away due to heart disease.

Trimming Down Too

As we mentioned, Donny also pays attention to his physical fitness. Since beginning at the Flamingo, Donny trimmed his waist by a whole two inches.

Trimming Down Too

Trimming Down Too

From the ninety minute performance, he sure gets in a ton of cardio! Yet, as we said before, he makes sure to supplement this with his gym routine.