The Osmond Family: Everything You Wanted To Know

Published on 04/25/2018

Special Request

Like other celebrities, Marie has her own special request when performing or being interviewed. Can you guess what it could be?

Special Request

Special Request

No, it isn’t for 32 roses or only yellow Starbursts. She just wants the right lighting. Donny exposed her preference for particular lighting. I mean, that seems reasonable. We have definitely heard worse!

Not a Diva

Seriously, this next request by Marie makes logical sense. It’s definitely not enough to qualify her as a diva. When she signed onto performing in Vegas, she just needed one thing. She requested a larger dressing room in order to fit her family.

Not A Diva

Not A Diva

When she sits there before her shows, she needed to make sure there was enough room for about 15 to 20 people. With her kids and even dogs in there, that seems pretty reasonable to us!