Funny Misunderstood Fast Food Orders

Published on 02/01/2021

Tomato Salad With Cheese

If there’s one thing any Mediterranean restaurant should be able to make, that’s better than anything else. It’s a tomato salad with feta. Done right, there’s nothing like digging into a plate of cheesy goodness. However, if it’s done completely wrong, you could get this. We have no idea where this dish came from, but we’re sure we won’t be visiting the place. Imagine having to fight that thing as your appetizer. It would be better if you make your own or if you go to Kroger and buy one.

Tomato Salad With Cheese

Tomato Salad With Cheese



You’re exhausted after attending classes all morning and can’t wait to dig into lunch – tacos in the cafeteria! Is there anything more nurturing to the young, academic minds? The lunch lady might have thought that she would serve up her own equation. Anyone who can explain how this constitutes tacos will get a special prize! Perhaps we’re spoiled, but aren’t tacos supposed to come with fillings on the inside? Maybe Yum’s Taco Bell can answer this one because we’re out of ideas.

