Funny Misunderstood Fast Food Orders

Published on 02/01/2021

One Fruit Salad

Fruit salads have always been popular, but maybe we don’t appreciate their current state enough. Perhaps they aren’t meant to be chopped up pieces of fruit in juices, and this Marrakesh restaurant actually got things right. This diner ordered a fruit salad, but what arrived was a plate of the whole fruit. To be fair, the restaurant did get the ingredients right. They just need to work on the slightly off arrangement. We may be old fashioned, but we prefer bitesize chunks in our fruit salad, so we should probably pack some of the ready-made blends at Walmart for our future travels.

One Fruit Salad

One Fruit Salad


One Order Of Chicken And Waffles

Because it is an American staple, we expect to see crispy chicken and a perfectly cooked waffle (preferably with a jug of syrup) when we order chicken and waffle. We understand that deviations from this formula exist, but we still expect actual chicken at the very least. In this case, there were waffles, but they came with some really questionable-looking sausages. We have many questions about this meal, such as did the customer eat this – and did they survive it? We’re sticking to Yum’s KFC. At least, we know that we’re getting poultry.

One Order Of Chicken And Waffles

One Order Of Chicken And Waffles