Interview with Dr. Oz
Natalie Suleman received an invitation to star in the Dr. Oz show and share her story. Even though it has been a while, a lot of people remain curious about the in vitro fertilization procedures she underwent. The same goes for her experience raising fourteen kids and the way she transformed into a healthy and happy mother. She let everyone know about the journey and the trials along the way. She mentioned her desperation to provide everything the Solomon family needs. Her appearance on the show granted her the chance to let everyone know about her new YouTube channel with her kids.

Interview with Dr. Oz
The Genetic Game Of Luck
Assuming you are not an only child, you must have wondered how it was possible for you to be so different from your siblings. Well, you should know that the variation is brought about by your genes. It works like a game of luck in the sense that some kids receive a certain genetic attribute, while the same quality skips the others. When you have 14 children, there is a pretty high chance that all your genetic attributes will be passed on to the next generation. Natalie loves the fact that her kids are all unique and she feels lucky that they all inherited different attributes instead of looking identical. Nariyah and Noah make for a great study because even though they are octuplets, they look nothing alike!

The Genetic Game Of Luck