Black paint or ‘Boot-Topping’?
Boot-topping and boot paint are just one and the same when it comes to soldiers. In reality, the black coating that is applied between the waterline and the deck is called boot-topping. The texture is also liquidy and thick, and it is made of sulfur or lime. Regular citizens would never be able to distinguish the dissimilarity of boot-topping and black paint, while an expert soldier eye can identify it from a far.

Black Paint Or ‘Boot Topping’
Quiet In Line
When soldiers fall in line, they don’t make a fuss, and they’re quiet. It comes from basic training when they were taught to stay quiet while waiting for orders or when falling in line right before going to the mess hall. They are doing the same thing when they are outside the camp, like waiting for their turn at the ATM machine or waiting for the bus to come.

Quiet In Line