Telltale Signs You’ve Served In The Military

Published on 12/14/2018

You would notice immediately a soldier’s character traits. It’s how they walk, how they stand, and the way they behave themselves in daily activities. If you have been in the arm forces, the things that will be pointed out on this list will be familiar to you. You are, after all, a soldier for life!

Floor = Bed

Basic military training prepares you to be able to sleep anywhere. Your battle buddy’s shoulder is as much a pillow as the floor is a bed. What makes these soldiers so amazing is that even though they are in deep sleep, they can be awaken and be at attention in just seconds.

Floor Bed

Floor = Bed


Ironing Boss

Ironing and folding uniform is a requirement for any soldier. Finding a wrinkle on a soldier’s uniform is nearly impossible. That’s just how they are, soldiers are neat and tidy all the time.

Ironing Boss

Ironing Boss