Lasting Bond
After ensuring that the cubs were safe and sound, the men became heroes who lived to tell their tale. It was great that they were able to capture the entire ordeal on camera. This way, other people would not only hear about it— they would be able to watch the whole thing! Aside from the memorable experience, the fishermen also created an unbreakable bond with the two bear cubs. However, not all individuals are as lucky in their encounters with wildlife. Just wait until we tell you about a hiker and his experience with wildlife.

Lasting Bond
Guided By Their Hearts
One would not expect that the fishermen would complete the rescue mission unscathed. After all, bears are generally considered to be aggressive and vicious creatures. But because their heart was in the right place, they were able to rescue the two cubs. However, some encounters with wild creatures do not involve successful rescues. Quite the opposite, in fact. For instance, there’s this one tale about a lone hiker in California that you deserve to hear about.

Guided By Their Hearts