Genius Hacks To Help Make Parenting A Breeze

Published on 02/18/2019

No Mess

Wow, now this is another genius tip that we wish we’d learned at school, as we’ve all been eating hot dogs wrong our whole lives. While most of us drizzle ketchup on top of the hot dog, this usually causes a big giant mess, for your face and your clothes. So the next time you make a hot dog for your child, you should drizzle the sauce on the bun, before you put the meat on. Revolutionary, right!? This way the next generation can enjoy eating hot dogs without staining their clothes, like us!

No Mess

No Mess


Hide The Candy

The best way to make sure your kids don’t eat all the candy in the box is to hide them away in a safe place. But kids are usually inquisitive creatures and sometimes double as candy detectors. So you might want to stash the candy in the last place they’ll look. So if you hide it in an empty bag of healthy food, like edamame beans, it’s sure to work like a charm.

Hide The Candy

Hide The Candy