Genius Hacks To Help Make Parenting A Breeze

Published on 02/18/2019


If you’re attempting to clip your little one’s toe nails, you’ll soon find out the hard way that those nails can fly in any direction, and will probably land all over the carpet. However, if you keep some tape handy, you can strategically place it around the clippers. This way the nail clippings will stick to it and keep in one place, and you can avoid another random nail flying episode.





Scavenger Hunt

This savvy mom might just be actual genius. While generations of parents have tried every trick in the book to coax their kids to tidy their room, most just resort to nagging or punishments. If only everyone had read this SMS years ago. This mom knows that her kids just need a little motivation, and by that we mean they have no choice but to clean their rooms to find $100 for food for the weekend. We bet their room was sparkling in minutes!

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt