Her Desire To Prove Them Wrong
“A lot of the Marines initially thought that I might not be able to keep up physically, or that I somehow wasn’t ‘as strong’ as them so I made it my mission to prove them wrong,” she went on. Ihrke got her start as an administrative specialist posted in South Carolina. She was determined to do her best at the job and prove all of her critics wrong. With her go-getter attitude, the world was her oyster. Her efforts clearly paid off because she was able to go up the ranks in no time!

Her Desire To Prove Them Wrong
Not Too Far From Home
After some time, she was assigned to transfer to Rock Island, Illinois. It was closer to home, so she must be grateful. After all, one of the toughest things about the military life is that you spend a lot of time away from home. It means that you miss out on a lot of milestones within the family. The whole time, Ihrke made sure to do her best in the job and even achieved something that most Marines have not!

Not Too Far From Home