Horse Training On The Side
Aside from her modeling gigs and working as Chicago’s Loop Rock Girl, she prefers to live a lowkey life. She has since returned to her roots and is now a full-time horse trainer. Not only that, but she also works with the “horse posse” of her county sheriff’s department. “I have about six horses right now, and I am training for roping competitions,” she said. It is also a fun way to remain fit for her modeling career!

Horse Training On The Side
Not As Easy As It Looks
From the outside, it looked like she had a seamless transition from Marine to model. But it was not quite that easy. She found it difficult to make her own decisions after getting used to being told what to do. Ihrke said, “The Marine Corps decided where I lived and for how long, how much I made, where I ate, when to work out… Civilian life forces you to make your own decisions, and that was really hard for me.”

Not As Easy As It Looks